
Ideagen Community

Office Online FAQ



This article covers off a few small questions about the Huddle integration with Office Online. If you're interested in knowing how to connect your Huddle account to Office Online, you can get started here or for information about creating or editing documents with Huddle and Office Online see our full articles focused on those subjects. 


This article covers: 

I) Locking a document before editing

II) Ending a co-authoring session

III) Saving your work to Huddle with the Office Online integration

IV) Sharing work from Office Online 

V) Navigating breadcrumbs in Offlice Online

VI) Maximum file sizes


I) Locking a document before editing


Microsoft Office Online gives you the opportunity to co-author documents with other users. The Huddle integration with Office Online reflects this capability so when you choose to edit a file stored in Huddle on an Office Online application other members of your Workspace can join you in your editing session.  

If you want to edit a document and be the only person in that editing session you could either use Huddle Desktop or Lock and edit to change the contents of your document alone. 


II) Ending a co-authoring session


If you are in a co-authoring session with others your collective changes will save back to Huddle automatically so there's no need to try and manually save the document every time you or someone else makes a change. 

It's worth noting that as users join your editing session the editor count on the document in Huddle will grow. However, as users leave your session you'll see the actual number of editors in Office Online but the count won't change on the document age in Huddle until the editing session is closed. 

To close an editing session just have all the editors close the open Office Online tab in their browsers. The version of the document in Huddle will automatically update to reflect all the new changes and the editor count will drop back to zero. 



III) Saving your work to Huddle with the Office Online integration


When you're editing a document stored in Huddle with the Office Online integration there's no need to click save before you exit your editing application. Your changes will save back to Huddle automatically if you close out of your Office Online file by clicking File > Exit. 


IV) Sharing work from Office Online 


When you're working in Huddle you have the ability to share content with other users with the share button. You can also share content while you're using the Office Online integration to edit content stored in Huddle.
To get started editing content, check out our simple guide.
While you're editing, if you need to share the content with someone else, look for the share button in Office then follow the steps in this article



V) Navigating breadcrumbs in Office Online


The breadcrumb trail at the top of Office Online applications is a navigational aid which can help you get back to Workspaces or folders. Click those titles to be taken back to the relevant location in Huddle.


Click the document title to edit it. 


VI) Maximum file sizes


There are file size limitations when editing documents using Office Online:

 - Excel Online: 25 MB (Office Online imposed limit)

 - Word Online: 100 MB (Huddle imposed limit)

 - PowerPoint Online: 300 MB (Huddle imposed limit)



VII) The following file types are support in Microsoft office online.


Word documents - Edit: docx

Word documents - Read only: doc, dot

Excel documents - Edit: xlsx

Excel documents - Read only: xls, xlm

PowerPoint documents - Edit: pptx

PowerPoint documents - Read only: ppt, pps, pot



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