
Ideagen Community

Huddle Preview feature updates.


We have updated our Huddle previewer with some additional features to make it even easier to navigate your content and find what you are looking for.


Sidebar / Show Thumbnails




We have implemented a Sidebar to help navigate large documents or content, using Show Thumbnails you can scroll through each page, giving you more visibility.


Sidebar / Show document outline




The Document Outline view shows the different levels of headings as designated by the styles applied in your document, quickly navigate to each heading to find what you are looking for.


Improved Search


Match case



You can perform case-sensitive searches in your documents with Match case.  If you type ‘COLLABORATION’ in your search box, Huddle will only highlight ‘COLLABORATION’ and not ‘Collaboration’ or ‘collaboration’.


Whole Words



With Whole words you can perform a search to only match entire words; that is, match text beginning and ending with whitespace.


Improved Zoom Controls




Use the + and - buttons to zoom in and out or choose a zoom setting from the dropdown menu.


Huddle Previewer Keyboard Shortcuts


You can use your keyboard to quickly perform actions in the Huddle previewer.


Command Shortcut
Next Page  N  or  J  or  →  or  Page Down 
Previous Page  P  or  K  or  ←  or  Page Up 
Zoom In  Ctrl  and   + 
Zoom Out  Ctrl  and   - 
Automatic Zoom  Ctrl  and   0