
Ideagen Community

Huddle Desktop Refresh Scripts


The below command prompt scripts can be used to help troubleshoot when users are experiencing issues with the Huddle desktop application.

In most cases, Huddle desktop will not need to be uninstalled and reinstalled to resolve issues relating to the application. The below command scripts can be used to refresh the Huddle desktop app, or Huddle Office plugins.

Before running any of the below files, ensure that all open work has been saved and all Office programs (Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Outlook) have been closed.


1) Enable Office Plugins

If Huddle features (Add-ins) are not visible in your Microsoft Office applications, the below file can be used to enable them:
Enable Office Plugins.cmd


2) Huddle Desktop Refresh

Running the below file will perform a hard reset of the Huddle desktop app. Following this, when you start the Huddle app again, the result will be like the first time you signed in: 
Huddle Desktop Refresh.cmd


3) Huddle Refresh All

This file incorporates "1) Enable Office Plugins" and "2) Huddle Desktop Refresh" all in one action:
Huddle Refresh All.cmd


Please note that the below CMD refresh scripts requires Administrator privileges to run on the local machine. If you do not have Administrator privileges on your local machine then please consult with your organisation's IT department regarding the execution of these command prompts. If you have any questions please contact the Huddle support team.