Here you'll learn how the Members tab helps Company Managers look after users.
This article covers:
I) Managing users in the Members tab
II) Removing individual users from your Company
III) Removing multiple users from your Company
IV) Making someone a Company Manager
I) Managing users in the Members tab
Company Managers are responsible for monitoring user numbers across all their organization's Accounts. The Members tab allows them to manage their users in an efficient way.
The next two sections will show you how to acces the Members tab and how it helps with user management.
a) Accessing the Members tab
1) Click the drop-down menu next to your profile picture in the top right of your Huddle screen.
2) Select Your Company Name from the list.
3) Now make sure you are on the Members tab.
b) How the Members tab helps with user management
On the Members tab you will find a list of everyone who uses Huddle under your Company. You can see users' contact details as well as see their last log in date.
To find a particular user, filter the list using the search bar.
You also have the option to download the information from this page in a .CSV format that you can open on your PC to further help inform your user management decisions. Click Download list as CSV to do this.
The following sections explore user management in more detail, showing you how to remove users from your Company as well as promote users to Company Manager level.
II) Removing individual users from your Company
TIP: Remember that removing a user from the Company list will remove them from all the Workspaces in which they're a member across all your Company's Accounts. Always check with the user that it is ok to remove them before you do.
a) In the Members tab, locate the user you'd like to remove.
b) Hover your mouse over the user. The Actions menu will become visible.
c) Click Actions.
d) Select Remove member.
III) Removing multiple users from your Company
a) In the Members tab, select the users you'd like to remove by clicking next to their names.
The selected users will appear in a list to the right of your Huddle screen.
b) To remove them all at once, click Remove from company.
IV) Making someone a Company Manager
a) In the Members tab, locate the user you would like to make a Manager.
b) Hover your mouse over the user. The Actions menu will become visible.
c) Click Actions.
d) Select Company Manager.
Now you know how to use the Members tab to sort and analyze your users, remove the ones that no longer need access to Huddle and promote others to Company Manager level.
In the next step you'll be shown how to add new users to Huddle from the Workspaces tab in the Company Manager area.